Hello. This is my website for my games made in ProcessingJS(a coding language)
You need to be on keyboard and mouse for all of the games except the first two games on my MiniGames! game and the CLICK HERE thing, and Tic Tac Toe, except you don't have all of the features on the CLICK HERE thing. The MiniGames! game is the best and most developed one, but the others are fun too. Just click on the different links to go to the other games.
Play Tic Tac Toe
Play a Race
Play Dots and Boxes
MiniGames! Instructions
To play the first game, you need to destroy(touch) all of the asteroids
before they hit Earth, or you lose.
To play the second game, you need to go through the path with your mouse
without touching any red or orange, and at the end of the path, you need to touch the grey square, where
it will then take you to do the win screen
To play the third game, use the arrow keys to move the blue circle, and
your goal is to get the blue circle to the red circle and then you win